Elizabeth M Stone

1 libros encontrados.
National Geographic Magazine Año 1995 vol 188 nº 3 On the brink Hawaii s vanishing species The dawn of humans the farthest horizon Essence of Provence Cave quest trial and tragedy a mile beneath Mexico Chameleon of the reef the giant cuttlefish El Salvador learns to live with peace / Elizabeth Royte Meave Leakey Bill Bryson William C Stone Fred Bavendam Mike Edwards 1.- National Geographic Magazine, Año 1995, vol. 188, nº 3: On the brink: Hawaii's vanishing species ; The dawn of humans: the farthest horizon ; Essence of Provence ; Cave quest: trial and tragedy a mile beneath Mexico ; Chameleon of the reef: the giant cuttlefish ; El Salvador: learns to live with peace ( ; ; ; ; ; ) [2937565 - JZ40]
National Geographic Society. Washington. 23 cm. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada.
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