the foucault reader

michel foucault paul rabinow

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The Foucault reader / Foucault Michel Rabinow Paul 1.- The Foucault reader ( ; ) [1159334]
Pantheon Books. New York. 21cm. viii, 390p. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Idioma Inglés. edited by Paul Rabinow.[Selections. English. ][Introduction to Foucault's thought ]. Penguin social sciences. Includes bibliographical references. Originally published: New York : Pantheon, 1984 ; Published in Peregrine Books, 1986 ; Reprinted in Penguin Books, 1991. Collection of writings taken from a number of other works translated from the French. Contents Compilation includes: English translations of the preface to the History of sexuality, Vol. II; Politics and ethics: an interview; Polemics, politics and problemizations: an interview with Michel Foucault; and What is enlightenment?, copyright 1984 by Random House; What is enlightenment? based on an unpublished French manuscript by Michel Foucault; Politics and ethics: an interview, based on an unpublished French manuscript by Michel Foucault . 0394529049; 0394713400 (pbk)
Libros Alcaná, C/ Marqués de Viana, 52. 28039 Madrid; Tlf. 91 220 42 63, 91 570 15 72, 629 24 05 23; Fax: 91 571 25 54;
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